Instagram Accounts You Need To Follow

Instagram started out as a form of social media where we could share our photographs, now I usually like to have a quiet five minutes just scrolling through and looking at amazing photography that makes you think "that's amazing - I want to re-create that". With this in mind I've created a list of Instagram accounts that I love to follow, and recommend that you follow too if you need a fresh photo feed.


livpurvis is an Instagram account owned by Olivia Purvis. Olivia is one of my favourite bloggers and her Instagram photographs are beautiful. Her account always makes you think "I want to go there" or "where is this outfit from?" and "where are you eating?" because her food images look absolutely delicious. I always find myself wanting to use Olivia's account as inspiration for my own photographs, whether the photos have been taken by Olivia herself, or her boyfriend, Joe (also mentioned in this post). One of my favourite things about this account is definitely how colourful every photo is. Each colour used pops out of the image and gives the photo definition, as though you can picture yourself in the location - rather than simply looking at an Instagram account. Her retro fashion sense is portrayed and complimented by each post. If you look at the account briefly, every photo seems to connect in some way and creates a beautiful flow. I can imagine just by following "livpurvis" that spending the day with her would be full of fun. You would also have many opportunities for images for your own Instagram, as Liv seems to know all of the best locations for this. If only you could message her and say "let's spend the day together, share your secrets for these amazing photos with me!". 


joegalvin, owned by (you guessed it) Joe Galvin is another account that I love to follow. He is the face behind many popular bloggers' photographs, including those of his girlfriend, Olivia (mentioned above). Joe is another example of a photographer that I think deserves more recognition as his images are simply stunning. I love the style of Joe's photographs and how he always seems to capture the perfect moment with his camera. Joe's account is one that you should follow because with one image, you find yourself making a plan of where your next trip should be, and where you should visit whilst you're there. With a mixture of colours in each photo, working together to make your eyes want to look at every part, this account definitely should be on your list. He also has a second account "joegalvinphoto" which is specifically for his photography. 



magsy24 is the Instagram account of Hannah Michalak (aka Hannah Maggs). Hannah and her Husband upload weekly videos on their YouTube channel, which I am going to talk about more in another post. For now, let me start with her Instagram. Hannah's photographs are always beautifully edited, which gives them a professional look, making you think "how did she do that? I need her camera and editing skills!". With images ranging from makeup products, to her son Grayson or a weekly flat lay, you will always be interested to see what she is going to post next. Hannah's account should be on your list of accounts to follow because you can see the effort that is put into every photograph, making you appreciate it more. You'll always find yourself pressing that little heart icon.



amberfillerup is the account owned by (I'm sure you have some of these figured out already) Amber Fillerup Clark. Also known as "Barefoot Blonde" from her blog and YouTube channel. Just like the photographs on her blog, Amber's Instagram images are so unique to her, and they look natural yet still completely professional. If you're a big family person then you will love her account, as she often shares stunning images of her family members. Another reason as to why I love to follow this account, is for the hair and fashion inspiration - these photos are shot incredibly well, and edited to make the focal point stand out more. Always filled with images of smiling faces, big bunches of flowers and gorgeous outfits, Amber's Instagram is memorable and great for any photo inspiration. You should also follow her Husband's account: davidavidavid. His photographs have a very similar style and it is hard to not admire the way he has captured each moment. So if you want to follow Amber, you'll definitely want to follow David too. 



imalexharrison, the account of: Alex Harrison. This is one of my favourite Instagram accounts to follow and I could not write this post without including it. Every photograph looks natural but amazing, with a "you but better" vibe. Take these photos I have included as an example, there is an image of a simple glass of juice and a mug...yet this image alone is eye-catching due to the way that Alex has captured it. I'm very jealous of his photography skills, if I could make my Instagram look like this I would be very happy. With a mixture of photographs of travel, tattoos, gadgets and more, Alex's account gives my feed something different than most that I follow, I find myself going back to some images to make sure I've took in the entire photo, looking at every aspect of it. 



This Instagram account is "inthefrow", who is actually named Victoria, but all of her social media accounts are named "In The Frow" (if you'd like to follow them too!). Victoria is a blogger and YouTuber, and her account is filled with photos taken by both herself and her boyfriend Alex (who I talked about above). Victoria's account always seems to be perfectly suited to the season, or where she is visiting, which is one of my favourite things about following her. For example, when she travelled to Mykonos, her account had a flowing stream of different shades of blue, making you feel as though you were there with her. When Victoria was invited to a trip in The Hamptons, each image had a pop of green, giving the effect of a beautiful summer, transporting you and filling your senses with visions of green grass and colourful flowers. That is one of my favourite things about this account, that you can easily be transported with one photograph. Victoria's flat lay's are eye-catching, her fashion sense? Incredible. you just want to tweet her and say "hey, please can I go shopping with you? You can pick every item for me". 



stardak: account by Stefan Michalak. In case you haven't noticed in the images I have included, he is the Husband of Hannah Michalak and incredibly skilled when it comes to taking photographs. This account is one of the first that came to mind when I decided to write this post. Every photo you look at and think "Stefan should print and frame that", his house would be cluttered with images if he printed every one that has made me want to say this. My favourite thing about Stefan's account is that you can tell he has just captured the moment. The photographs aren't staged yet are still eye-catching.  I feel that with each image you not only see the moment, but you can see the emotions too. Each photo radiates happiness and gives you the motivation to live in the moment. They are edited in a way that the background compliments the focal point. I would consider myself extremely lucky to have these photography skills, but for now, I follow Stefan's Instagram account and I hope that you will too. This family deserve a lot of recognition for the effort that they put into all of their work and the skills that they have.



Last but not least is kaitlynn_carter. Yes, owned by Kaitlynn Carter. She has her own blog/website but I started following her account long before this was launched. I came across her account after following Brody Jenner and immediately pressed the follow button, after looking at her photographs. Similar to In The Frow, Kaitlynn's account has a flowing colour scheme. I follow this account mostly for fashion inspiration, as her style is similar to my own, and the images are taken in a way that makes you notice the outfit first. You can see the thought that has been put into every photograph and what Kaitlynn and the photographer was trying to achieve, which they have done successfully. Her account is a "must-follow" (see what I did there?) because the photos are not too heavily edited, as though someone has took out their phone and taken it there and then. Again, you can tell that they contain her unique style and so are not like any other account that I follow. I'd love people to follow her by looking for it, rather than coming across it in the way that I did. kaitlynn_carter is another example of an account that I believe you would not regret following.

Make sure to let me know if you enjoyed this type of post. I had a lot of fun writing it! I hope you liked at least one of the accounts that I recommended, and agree with me that they all deserve more recognition. Your Instagram feed will feel like a different place after you've read this and followed everyone!

By, Nicole
Blonde Foxes



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